professional book review services

Esteemed Author and Book Publisher, this is the page to get a service of editorial book reviews, in English or Italian, from the most reliable book review site in Europe.

Our professional service of book reviews is available for independent authors, traditionally published authors, and book publishers also interested in putting their books in front of a European audience.

We accept any literary genres, (erotica excluded).

After the order, you’ll receive instructions to send the title and book description. No copy of the book is necessary for review, because it will be bought by this European book review site (the only site that buys books before reviewing). For this reason, our editorial book reviews are honest and unbiased (you can ask to receive a negative review by email and be refunded).

book review service

Furthermore, in case of a positive review, permanently published on this book review site, you’ll also obtain a digital reposting, with no additional cost for you, to show the review on influential, European and international book sites. This way, your book will earn large exposure even in the homes of global literature, such as Germany, France, Spain, Italy, United Kingdom and so on. …

Our editorial book reviews are written by a European journalist and professional book reviewer.

Moreover, a European book review service, in addition to evaluating your book under a professional and unbiased perspective, lets you discover if your work has the potential to be internationally appreciated and recognized by European readers and book publishers.

Do you aim for a consecration as a professional novelist, poet or a non fiction writer acclaimed abroad and in Europe?

Order our book review service now!

(Note: After clicking the red button, scroll down to see the cart at the bottom of the page).

Book Review in English €150 + free reposting

Book Review in Italian €150 + free reposting